Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Top Ten Jobs I Would Love To Have Some Day...

I'm not saying my jobs now aren't wonderful... these are just my future dream jobs!
(Again, in no particular order...)

10. A game show host:

 9.  An ice skater (I'm sure if I just had one of those fancy outfits, I would be amazing at it!):

 8.  Traveller (someone has to write for this magazine... or one like it.):

 7.  His bodygaurd (someone has to do it...):

 6.  A taste tester.  (How lucky is this guy?):

 5.  Cartoon voice:

 4.  Indiana Jones.  (Though I'm sure Harrison Ford has had a wonderful life, I don't want to be him...):

 3.  A student.  (But only with this group!):

 2.  A sports announcer.  (Preferably for football or baseball- but I could learn any sport!):

 1.  A TV critic.  (Someone has to watch the shows, right?  And I would LOVE to do it with this little mister...):

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Top Ten Places I Wish I Was Now...

I could list more then 10, but I think that's enough to start with... (in no particular order):











Thursday, June 10, 2010

Deep Thought Thursday

"How come the dove gets to be the peace symbol? How about the pillow? It has more feathers than the dove, and it doesn't have that dangerous beak."