Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here some more for your reading pleasure...

So have you ever had one of those days that you regretted what you were wearing all day long, only you were at work, and so you were stuck wearing it anyways?!? And the day went on forever and ever and all you wanted was another shirt or something? That happened to me today. For some reason, my shirt was just driving me nuts... it was a long day, but I have a comfy t-shirt on now, and all is right with the world again. Whew!
And now on to what you have all been waiting for! 11 more things about me... it's a good time, I know.

11. I love to watch teen shows, even though I'm in my 30's!

12. I once asked the star of a play to go and see the play with me as a practical joke. He laughed, but was pretty confused at first...

13. I don't like chocolate very much.

14. I used to think Brad Pitt was ugly. The key words here are USED TO...

15. I know which witch is dead...

16. I never stopped loving New Kids On The Block and have been to three of their concerts. The last one was just months ago and was probably the best time I had all year!

17. I sometimes believe the "we never landed on the moon" conspiracy is true.

18. Pie is my most favorite treat of all!

19. I'm a huge fan of Halloween and Christmas. I'm one of those crazy people that decorates as much as possible.

20. I own a velvet Elvis.

21. I've been skydiving... and surprisingly, I wasn't that scared. Ask Angie!
So there we go. Hope this is being fun for everyone.
On my next post: The last 11 amazing things about me! WOO HOO!!!


Mull Family said...

I am loving these daily updates and insights into the life of Tammy. Keep them coming.

Kaycee said...

Ahhh, Dawson's Creek... I don't care how old you get... you can always LOVE Pacey...

M.S. said...

What you went to NKTOB and didn't call me? We even talked about it. I guess Brad and I should have gone.... we didn't.... I think we were too poor... then.... wait... still are...