Sunday, April 25, 2010

So I've been away...

but I'm alive!  Just been a bit busy. 
Here's what I've been up to...

1.  Got a new job as a receptionist for the Governor of Utah.  It's been good.

2.  Went to a Daughtry concert with the lovely Chris Daughtry from American Idol.  It wasn't so good.  Oh Chris...

3.  Kitty had a birthday on Thursday.  She's 7! Next year she can get baptized!!!  ;)

4.  I started on a project.  It's been fun.

5.  I watched "I Am Legend" for the first time and LOVED it!  Already a huge fan of Will Smith... but this was even better because it was nice and scary!  LOVE the scary movies!!!

6.  Got the old "V" for Easter... SO fun!  Oh lizard people...

7.  Been doing some writing... not sure where it's going, but it's fun to do nonetheless.

8.  Got a new crush.  Maybe... maybe not.  :)

9.  Read the new Mary Higgings Clark book.  She may seem like an old lady author... but I love her so!

10.  Was introduced to the YUMMIEST new trail mix.  It's one for fancy people!  (oK, not really, but it has such yummy in it.  Not just plain old peanuts and M&M's... though that's good too!)

So there we go.  I'm sure there's been other things... but those are the highlights... I guess. 

Now Kaycee can stop singing me songs about  the loss of my blog... though I still want you to send me amazing songs!!! 

And hi to my BFFPP... I know you're SO happy I finally wrote again!  Hope you didn't take me off your bookmarks!  XOXOXO


Marcelina Moreno said...

do you have skype? we should chat sometime soon I'm marceyinlondon. I'd love to get the updates on everything, it sounds like life is wonderful.

Kaycee said...

I am SO beyond proud of you! However, I am very disappointed to read that Daughtry wasn't amazing! We'll have to chat about that! Send me the details on the fancy-people trail mix. I may not be fancy, but I'm always good for a trail mix! :)