Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Reasons LOST is Amazing!!!

10.  Sawyer
 9.  Side world is SO cool... I can't wait to find out what the heck it's all about.
 8.  They put in a ton of fun "extras" that make you so happy when you catch them. 
 7.  Sawyer
 6.  It's so beautiful, that I sometimes wish I was on a plane that crashed there... 
 5.  The fact that they throw out so many new twists, but leave me pretty satisfied with the answers from old questions.
 4.  Sawyer
 3.  Everytime I think they can't surprise me... they do! 
 2.  You can feel every emotion when watching it... in one episode!  (Yes, confused is an emotion.)



M.S. said...

Charlie is my reason..... I can't wait to see how this show ends! AHAHAHAHAH!

Jenny May McKim said...

Oh Sawyer... OH Sawyer...
I am also a huge fan of Desmond... can't help myself somehow!
My husband and I are VERY sad LOST is almost over..
The last episode was AWESOME.. I wanted more back story into Jacob.. notice how they did not ever say the "brothers" name?? Annoying isn't it!