Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday's Sunset

Sometimes I like to remember how lucky I am. That I can spend a whole Sunday reading a book if I darn well want to. That I don't have to go and do my dishes today if it doesn't suit me. That I don't have to make my bed if I would rather watch a movie. That I can have dessert while I'm waiting for dinner to cook because I'm the boss of me. All of this done knowing full well that no one is going to do a thing about it. No one is going to kick me out of the house or throw my dishes out the window. I know that last part sounded a little dramatic... but really, what a blessing we all have. We can take Sunday, or whatever day for that matter, and put things off.

So that is my challenge for all of you. I know a few of you out there stress and try to do so much in one day, not leaving any time for yourselves. I have days when I do that too. And I know, sometimes you HAVE to do that. That's life. But find a time, a whole moment if you can, to just sit and read a book that has nothing to do with anything. Eat a non-sensible dinner just once. Or watch 4 episodes of "The Office" just because it's so funny! Forget the dishes- they'll still be nice and dirty later on. Forget the sweeping and dusting- the dirt and dust will still be there tomorrow. Grab your BFF and go for a drive and eat ice cream and don't think about anything other than fun. I promise you'll love it!

I triple dog dare you...


Jenny May McKim said...

I so will if you want to come and watch the twins while I do that :)

Tams said...

I would LOVE that so much!!!