One of the funniest parts of my job is the customers. We have our
usual's (Crazy Check Lady, The
Goob, and Bonnie- all nicknames we've made up for a few of them). Then we have the delightful ones who just can't remember the author's name and then they are good to go. THEN we have the one's who feel like they are the rulers of the world. They know everything- even though we all work there everyday. I had one such customer today...
We have member cards at the store. If you have forgotten to bring in your card, then we'll very nicely look it up with your phone number. If you can't remember which phone number it's under, I'm sorry to hear that, but it's all I can do. It's not because I'm lazy and don't want to search. I search all day long for things. It's what I do. It's just that I don't have the capability to do so.
Well, said customer couldn't remember what number his card was under. We tried and tried and none of the numbers would work. He then repeatedly asked me if we could look it up under his name, address... etc. I answered him each time by saying that we could ONLY look it up under a phone number. Well he threw his magazines down at me and said that we had just lost a sale and he would never be shopping with us again! I love when customers "threaten" us with this. As if our whole business depends on just them. And where else are you going to buy your gunslinger magazines my friend?!? I just smiled and politely told him to have a good day.
It really is so funny that people think we should know all their info. As if when they got pulled over by a police officer and he asked for their license you could say to him "I don't have it. Could you look it up under my address?"
This is a daily
occurrence and I wouldn't even bother writing about it, except for what happened next. The man came back in and said he had a few more numbers to try. Apparently "never" was only a few minutes for him. We tried those numbers and one did work, but it was expired! Ha! He didn't have time to set up a new account (it takes about 30 seconds) but politely said he would be back another day. He said he had a very important meeting he had to now rush to. (And he still didn't want to buy the magazines.)
But wait! There's more! A few minutes later he came back AGAIN and said he was ready to sign up and get his magazines. It was great!!! I guess that meeting was shorter than he thought. While we were setting him up with a new card and cashing him out, he started up again about how it would be so much better if we had more than one way to cross check him on finding his card. As if little me could change the process of a huge corporation. I'm sure Old Lady Noble will do it immediately. I would LOVE it if I could check another way! Do they think I like to get people's lip?
Oh well, what can you do.
But here's the thing to remember. When you go into a store and give them lip and think your rudeness is going to change it all... it's not. All it's going to do is cause you to be the butt of jokes the whole rest of the night. I promise. What you say affects us for about 1 second... and that's just till we have time to react.
At least he helped me have some fun tonight... :)