Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Top Ten Tuesday

So I think Tuesday will be dedicated to Top Ten Lists... I know Dave was a sassy boy, but I interned with the show and it was a great time! The show in the whole is not just Dave. Plus Bettymuffin and I would put these together all the time at work. Such fun!

So here is my list for today:

Top Ten Reasons Today Was So Great

10. I got to use a "Family Guy" reference today.
9. I didn't have to get up early.
8. Breakfast was Lucky Charms!
7. I watched "The Simpson's Treehouse of Horror XX" and it was GREAT!
6. Jake gave one of my video ideas the funny stamp of approval.
5. Jess shared her Pixie Sticks with me. Yum!
4. A new "Alice In Wonderland" book came into work.
3. A cute guy flirted with me at work.
2. I had Jimmy John's for lunch.
1. I had a great hair day!!! Nothing is better than that.

1 comment:

Jenny May McKim said...

I have so few great hair days and I so agree...

We really need to catch up and you really need to enter my giveaway on my blog so you can put up something cute in your new apartment if you win!!!

Most people have only entered once so far... so enter all 5 times...