Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Fellow the 9th

Today's Friday Fellow isn't a villain or even terrifying, but he is the star of a few of my most favorite "scary" movies. He's the good kind of scary. The kind where you feel comfortable, but still a little nervous. The kind where you can actually hold a boy's hand or eat popcorn because you don't have to cover your eyes or plug your ears. The kind where bumps in the night, while watching the movie, make you jump, but you can still go to the bathroom by yourself.

His movies are just fun. And he's pretty darn handsome if I do say so myself!

Hip hip hooray for....


(Sorry this is a short one... but I just got back from a fun filled night at Jasen's Haunted Forest with Tiff! I'll tell you more about it tomorrow, but just know- she pushed me down and ran off to get away from the bad guys! Not kidding!!!)


Jaime Lynne said...

Until this moment, I never looked at Jimmy Stewart as a handsome man. Thank you! :)

And I've just got to ask this, Tam. It cannot go unquestioned... did you have a scandalous affair with David Letterman? I hear how he likes to hit on women who work beneath him and I'm guessing there was no hotter intern than you. Confession time!!! ;)

Jenny May McKim said...

I am a Jimmy Stewart fan...
It's a Wonderful Life is a Holiday favourite..though not scary!!

We ended up going as Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf in Grandmas clothing!