Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Fellow Take 2

So today's fine Friday Fellow is someone I've loved for a long, long time. I'm sure you all know who it is and probably assumed he would have been my very first last week... I've loved him since I was 9, and knowing how little I like commitment ;), this is one relationship I don't think I'll ever be able to give up! (Though lately he's been looking a little too grandpa- I'll still love him so.) So without further ado... The Friday Fellow who will always be #1 in my heart:


Why do I love him so and for so long? Who knows why anyone loves anyone... You just do. You do what the heart tells you to do. C'mon. That crush you've had for years that never works out... really? You'd keep crushing on that person who won't give you the time of day on purpose?!? Not that Richard Dean Anderson wouldn't love me the minute he saw me... ;) Sometimes you just can't let go. And if something makes you smile... why not keep going with it. There are enough bummers in this world that you have to grab on to the good times and hold them like they are the only things that exist. oK, I'm being a bit dramatic... but really, why not just love something because it's there?
So my quote to you MacGyver...
"You love simply because you cannot help it."


Kaycee said...

Awwwwwwwww!! (Did you read my 'forward' yet?)

M.S. said...

His getting older pictures... he looks so hot!